Any news spreads like wildfire on social media. Something happening in one part of the world can create a stir in a faraway land, in the blink of an eye. The world has become much more aware and enlightened since the introduction of social media.
Electronic and print media have become less effective since it’s much quicker and more convenient to share messages through social media apps and websites. One can easily stay connected on the go or check updates from around the world frequently. But the sharing of news and views is just one aspect of this powerful tool of communication.
Recently, social media has become the hub of key political and social campaigns. Since it has a wide outreach, it is much easier to garner publicity for your agendas. Moreover, it raises awareness about issues that were previously considered taboo.
For instance, a viral clip or a controversial message shared on social media can lead to some of the most powerful people in the world being held accountable for their actions. It is even used to push for certain legislation or pressurize those in power. To some extent, social media has helped alleviate the imbalance of power between the general public and governing authorities around the world.
Even though this power of social media can be misused at times, one cannot deny how useful it has been in the growth of society. Global citizens raise their voices for issues that are close to their hearts and make this platform more informative. One can only hope that this positive trend continues in the future as well.