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The content of school science is broadly defined to include specific capacities, understandings, and abilities in science. The content standards are not a science curriculum. Curriculum is the way content is delivered: It includes the structure, organization, balance, and presentation of the content.

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Cognitive Science.

Computer Science.



The Boards We Follow

All Boards followed in Australia, Bahrain, Canada, New Zealand, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, UK and USA.

Overview Of  The Grades We Cover At YCC

Grade 1: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book

Grade 2: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book

Grade 3: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book

Grade 4: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book

Grade 5: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book

Grade 6: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book

Grade 7: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book

Grade 8: Interactive Science text book, workbook, experiment book

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