“According to a study, 4.4 million blog posts were being published in a single day in the year of 2019 alone.”
Yes, it’s a fact.
So how to stand out in such a competitive time? How to bolster writing skills and polish-up the content we create every day?
There are a few things that can help you stand out. Research, selection of the topic and how you handle that topic, expression, and of course, selection of words, the “vocabulary” are the key things to consider.
In our current blog post, let us consider “5 Best Practices To Increase Vocabulary”, while creating a masterpiece, vocabulary plays a significant role.
Remember, do not ignore it. It works when given time and attention.
So to improve your vocabulary, the first and foremost thing is,
Read, Read And Read
Read a variety of items on different topics, try to understand how the sentences are formed, and pick up the vocabulary that appeals to you while reading. Do not just write, “let me help you guys”, instead try writing this simple sentence as “Let me assist you guys”, help is more simple yet “assist” is more professional and catchy.
Read a variety of things, read newspapers, books, jokes, whatever inspires you, it is the best way to see how a word is used in specific content and is catchy enough or not.
Use A New Word Several Times A Day
Repetition helps, and practice takes you almost near to perfection. So whenever you listen to a word or notice something interesting in expression or vocabulary, add it to your vocabulary list and try to use that word several times a day in different situations. It is the best practice and exercise for your brain to cram the new words quickly.
The repetitive words will soon be part of your daily conversation. Keep them practicing in different situations until it becomes a part of your routine conversation.
Play Scrabble
Games such as scrabble and games that involve the word-formation do make them a habit. It is the best way to increase your vocabulary. It is also a fun way of learning at your maximum and the best practice to maximize the productivity of your brain.
Do not make a collection heavier than you remember. Just start with a few and gradually give it a boost. You will see that with time your vocabulary will level up and you will feel a more colored expression.
Try Finding Out New Words
Read the content which is up to date. Use dictionaries, thesaurus to find out new words and related words for the single category.
The major benefit of the dictionaries and up-to-date sources is, you may find the basics of the words, their etymology, roots, antonyms, etc, this will enhance your vocabulary levels for sure.
Use Helpful Apps And Have Group Discussions
There are so many apps on the internet, which are assistive to build up a wonderful vocabulary. Some apps keep you updated with the new words, and share each day a single word to keep you updated with the changing trends. It would be enough for you if you are crazy to build up your vocabulary.
The other best practice may be to discuss new words in group discussions. Try forming learning groups within your family from the ease of home. Ask your siblings to create a group and fix a time. The purpose of this activity should not be just gossiping, yet it should be target-oriented to build up vocabulary at its best, add up new words, and discuss these vocabulary chunks with each other.
These are a few practices that can be helpful enough for you to enhance your vocabulary levels.
Let me conclude our current discussion about best practices to increase vocabulary with the famous lines from the film “The Last Emperor”,
“Words are important. If you cannot say what you mean, you will never mean what you say. And, you should always mean what you say.”
So work on words and work harder to polish up your vocabulary to add more colors to your spoken or written expressions.
Do remember as well, that,
“A man with a scant vocabulary will almost certainly be a weak thinker.”
So do you want to be a strong thinker? If yes, then start following these best practices today.